5e D&D Character Idea

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character

tools for - dnd5e adventurers


Menuric Goldenhair is a male half-elf ranger

Background - criminal
Family - Your aunt and uncle brought you up, moving from village to village. Then recently they disappeared, leaving a confusing note

Trait - I love to hear the ideas of others
Ideal - Power. If I can gain power, who knows what great things I can make happen
Bond - My faith and those who share it give me strength
Flaw - I am too often wrapped up in my own world

Trinket - a pair of scissors made from teeth and iron painted with a copse and a charred sapling
Possible Pet - Emerald is a dark rabbit. They jump on you when you are trying to get to sleep

Mubran Mei is a male human druid

Background - outlander
Family - You were raised by your aunt and uncle. you have six siblings

Trait - When I grow angry or jealous I blame it on the fiendish blood of my great-grandparent.
Ideal - Faith. If I do the right thing then my faith will be rewarded in kind
Bond - I am the last of my family and I must keep their stories alive
Flaw - My hatred of those who wronged me is blind and unwavering

Trinket - a shard of dried clay painted black
Possible Pet - Troll is a shrub. They won't forgive you for several days if you annoy them

Frath is a gold dragonborn warlock

Background - charlatan
Family - Your parents died in a cart accident. You grew up close you your one brother and one sister. The oldest sibling hates you

Trait - I can't pay attention to anything for long
Ideal - Tradition. The tales and legends of my people must be remembered and passed on to others
Bond - I have a growing collection of trophies from the challenges I overcome
Flaw - I'll do anything for a chance of glory

Trinket - an attractive oar made from oak
Possible Pet - Droplet is a sheep. They are very overweight

Limsilaine is a male stout halfling bard

Background - folk hero
Family - Your parents died at the zoo. You grew up close you your two brothers and two sisters. The oldest sibling is in deep debt

Trait - I live day to day. What has happened and what might happen don't matter
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - My tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when far away
Flaw - I dislike everyone who is not like me

Trinket - a gold ring with the name Keth engraved into it
Possible Pet - Prince is an excited deer. They can play or make a tune. they were a gift from a lover

"Sage" Ugalik is a male dwarf fighter

Background - outlander
Family - Your mother brought you up, moving from city to city. Then a few weeks ago they went missing, leaving a confusing note

Trait - I take great pleasure in the simple things of life
Ideal - Adaptability. The world is in motion and we must move with it or be left behind
Bond - I want to make stories of myself that are told for generations
Flaw - Pride will be my downfall

Trinket - a bare torc made from green dragon scales with the name Kan Amakiir inscribed on it
Possible Pet - Pseudo is a pampered deer. They are always going missing