5e D&D Character Idea - Gnome

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are known for independence and curiosity, for a tie to wild creatures and clockwork devices. They are users of illusion, joke-tellers and gem-lovers.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers gnome


Orser Rofferton is a male gnome Cleric

Background - Sage
Family - You were raised by your grandparents. . You had to contend with being marked by the gods

Trait - I have a distinctive laugh and I laugh often
Ideal - Invention. We need new ideas to make a difference in the world
Bond - Nothing is more important than the group of inventors and thinkers I belong to
Flaw - I awoke something I shouldn't of and they are driving me mad with their dreams

Trinket - A glowing preserved gnome eyeball that is always looking around
Possible Pet - Opal is a dark-scaled lizard that likes to chew everything around.

Zook Miggledy is a gnome Monk

Background - Hermit
Family - You were raised by your father. . You had to contend with being heir to a legacy

Trait - I have lots of plans but always forget them
Ideal - Change. Life is an adventure, and we must be ready to face new challenges every day
Bond - My tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when far away
Flaw - I have difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others

Trinket - A bone flute carved in the shape of a squirrel that can make squirrel noises
Possible Pet - Abunza is a dancing hedgehog that likes high places. They get excited by any music being played

Delebean is a male gnome Rogue

Background - Sage
Family - You several sisters and brothers who constantly play pranks on each other. You were all raised by elderly grandparents who encouraged you.

Trait - I keep a pack of cards for making important decisions
Ideal - Responsibility. It is the duty of all people to make the world around them a good place
Bond - I have a life plan that needs to be followed to bring me fulfillment
Flaw - I dislike everyone who is not like me

Trinket - A walking stick with a steel handle that stands upright if left alone
Possible Pet - Bodger is a fat pig that loves small cakes and you won in a bet. They have an ornate collar with their name on it

Pyntle "Hunter" Mucklar is a female gnome Druid

Background - Sailor
Family - Your uncle, Noselick slew a demon. You will try to avenge their death

Trait - I have a favorite aunt or uncle and I'm always sharing their wisdom
Ideal - Freedom. Everyone should be able to walk their own path
Bond - Nothing is more important than the other members of my family
Flaw - I make everything over-complicated. Simple things bore me

Trinket - A pair of darkened goggles that are the pinnacle of an aunt's successful experiment
Possible Pet - Merry is a bright green parrot that tells the same five jokes in four different languages

Eldon "Fisher" Rofferton is a male gnome Bard

Background - Sage
Family - You family life was dominated by...major disaster. you have two siblings

Trait - I use jokes and puns to diffuse tense situations
Ideal - Power. If I can gain power, who knows what great things I can make happen
Bond - I swindled and ruined a person who didn't deserve it. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself
Flaw - I seek immortality at any cost

Trinket - A clockwork jar that takes a minute to open or close
Possible Pet - Amber is a smart fox that is always stealing food and is missing a leg.