5e D&D Character Idea - Tiefling

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with the powers of hell, overcoming adversity and dark pacts. Can give an exotic heritage, a distinctly non-human look or an anti-hero vibe.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers tiefling


Strive is a female tiefling Ranger

Background - Hermit
Family - Your mother raised you, moving on from town to town. Unwelcome for long you both worked where you could. A year ago she went missing, leaving a burnt parchment inscribed with a devil's mark.
Distinctive Appearance - My horns have merged to form a symbol in Infernal

Trait - I enjoy making new friends over a flagon of ale
Ideal - Power. If I can gain power, who knows what great things I can make happen
Bond - I've been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question
Flaw - I think the world should revolve around me

Trinket - A vial of bubbling red liquid which contains a devil's tongue
Interested Fiend - Novanthe is an erinyes who was banished by one of your ancestors. A mortal champion now wears the devil's armor and bears other gifts, seeking vengeance in their name.
Possible devilish trait - I have to haggle over everything (Mammon)
Possible Pet - Ripper is a small toad. They have an extra tail

Muse is a tiefling Sorcerer

Background - Criminal
Family - You were raised by sea-people. Your adopted siblings hate you. You recently learnt that your parents are still alive
Distinctive Appearance - I have long thin claws that break off easily

Trait - I wish to find the dark secrets of all I meet
Ideal - Knowledge. I seek understanding to unlock the powers of my heritage
Bond - One of my family is a power-mad cult leader who must be stopped
Flaw - Trouble just seems to follow me around

Trinket - A long bone marked with the words “Chaos”, “Glory” and “Betrayal” in Infernal
Possible Pet - Fang is a rat. They can fly or levitate.

Theris is a male tiefling Sorcerer

Background - Outlander
Family - you have one older sister and one younger sibling. Your family is scattered Your last parent is in decline and is squabbling over the inheritance
Distinctive Appearance - My horns sway, moving with any wind

Trait - My plans are always too elaborate
Ideal - Sincerity. I am what I am. Why pretend to be otherwise?
Bond - My clan are no more so I am adopting others into a new one
Flaw - I nurse grudges for the right time to avenge them

Trinket - The history of a legendary warlock inscribed in tiny writing onto metal cup
Possible Pet - Kas is a blue swan. They love to play with children and are injured

Hismine is a tiefling Rogue

Background - Urchin
Family - Your parents were often away serving an ancient warlock. You raised yourself and your younger twin sisters in a large house. Last time your father returned he could not say where your mother was.
Distinctive Appearance - My horns have merged to form a symbol in Infernal

Trait - I have trouble keeping the truth apart from my lies
Ideal - Magic. Magic is everything. It has power over devils or people and is in my blood
Bond - I will sell my soul for the one I love
Flaw - A life without vice is not a life worth living

Trinket - A small bone sword inside a bottle with glass as strong as steel. The sword disappears for 1d4 hours every day.
Interested Fiend - Nidriss is a horned devil served by several yulogoth mercenaries. Nidriss owes a great debt to the owner of an infamous inn and seeks ways to slay them.
Possible devilish trait - I could have taken a virtue name such as Betrayal or Chill (Levistus)
Possible Pet - Gith is a giant spider. They hate your close friends

Rimmor is a tiefling Rogue

Background - Sailor
Family - You were raised by your grandmother. you have four brothers. You had to contend with an omen
Distinctive Appearance - I am surrounded by a faint smoky haze

Trait - My good looks are there for all to see
Ideal - Ambition. If you won't sell your soul to do something you aren't dedicated enough.
Bond - I have a rival and do anything to prove myself the better person
Flaw - I will take any risk to satisfy my curiosity

Trinket - An iron scepter with a baleful sigil carved into the head
Possible devilish trait - Good things often happen to me for no apparent reason (Baalzebul)
Possible Pet - Ginger is an amusing pigeon. They love to play with children