D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Jungle

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The jungle is a place of bright colours, hanging vines and thick canopy that often blocks the sun. Encounters might occur in a ruined temple or overgrown cliff and it is home to yuan-ti, tribal warriors and all kinds of reptiles.

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level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At a large fallen tree surrounded by short grass (close by is a turbulent stream)
They are climbing trees
In a fight they focus on larger foes
Possibly... they have a Quaal's Feather Token - swan
Difficulty... 100 Easy


1 Carrion Crawler (Monster Manual p.37)

At a small clearing (which is associated with a magical ghoul)
They are angry about something
In a fight they run away as fast as they can if things go badly
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a patch of quicksand by a wooden platform in the trees (there is smoke from a fire)
They are near their lair
In a fight they run away if things start going badly
Possibly... they have a Ring of Water Walking
Difficulty... 150.0 Easy


1 Druid named Pavel (human)

At a patch of insect-covered foliage and a patch of colourful bright plants (nearby is the fresh corpse of a humanoid)
They are investigating a ruin
In a fight they focus on any obvious spellcaster
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


2 Gas Spores (Monster Manual p.138)
1 Shrieker
2 Violet Fungi

At a step pyramid. There is a collapsed shack with a body hanging from a tree (close by is a few damaged trees)
They are larger than normal (extra health)
In a fight they run away as fast as they can if things go badly
Possibly... they have
Difficulty... 620 Deadly