D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Shadowfell

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The Shadowfell is a pale reflection of the world, a place of shifting shadows, twisted crystal trees, crumbling ruins and foul rivers. Meet cursed spirits, doomed cultists, hordes of undead and servants of the Raven Queen.

level: terrain: sources: type:


2 Grimlocks led by one named Hollowjaw

At an area of ornamental sedge (it is desecrated ground)
They are being stalked by something
In a fight they surrender if things go badly
Difficulty... 150.0 Easy

At a glass bridge across a putrid stream (which is associated with a powerful undead)
They are mutilated in some way
In a fight they relentlessly attack one target
Possibly... during the fight a secret door opens
Difficulty... 300 Hard


A pack of zombies

1 Ogre Zombie
1 Zombie

At a jagged cliff (near an area of moss)
They are marked by a death deity
In a fight they focus on the most heavily armored foes
Possibly... they have a Potion of Animal Friendship
Difficulty... 750.0 Deadly


A gang of crooks

2 Kenku (Monster Manual p.194)
1 Thug

At a half-built temple to a power of vengeance (the area has a programmed illusion involving a battle scene)
They are curious about a nearby light source
In a fight they focus on the largest foe
Possibly... they have a pair of Boots of the Winterlands
Difficulty... 400 Deadly

At a stream of bubbling muck (which is near to a mordenkainen's magnificent mansion)
They are curious about a nearby light source
In a fight they prefer to capture their foes
Difficulty... 600.0 Deadly