Adventure Location - Arctic

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
Encounters in arctic terrain occur in icy tundra, tall glaciers and snowy peaks. They might occur outside an igloo, on an iced over lake or in a winter blizzard

terrain: Terrain Type:

A small beast pen surrounded by exposed rock (there are howling winds)
A dark cave entrance (there is a pile of oil flasks)
A field of slippery ice (which is associated with axe beaks)
A pile of ivory (close to a mine entrance)
A rock outcrop covered in virgin snow (the area is protected by an undead)
A charred sleigh by a foreboding gravestone (a freezing mist covers the area)
An old path (nearby is a rock outcrop with ice hanging from it)
An overgrown stream (there is the body of a kobold)
A snow-covered outcrop (a storm is approaching)
A citadel (nearby is a shallow stream fed by a spring)