D&D One Shot

An outline for a one-shot adventure with the situation, what the characters are, the aim of the one-shot, events during it and an ending.

tools for - dnd5e oneshot quest


The PCs are blessed instructors at an academy who must make a trade with a reclusive band of criminals. A character is being hunted by a a crazy scout. The mood might be... manic
There is a famous merchant who falls in love with a character.
The characters start running away from something. Early on there is a significant change of weather. If things are going nowhere someone revealed as a shapeshifter.
At the end there is a cut-scene of each character.

The PCs are respected paladins who must complete a ritual in an elemental mage academy. The mood might be... tense
There is a mysterious merchant who works against them. they are the parent of a character.
The characters start in a fight. Early on they encounter a new potential ally. If things slow down a character learns something useful with a History check.
Afterwards there is a reward of another quest. Possible sequel... same adventure but everything larger

The PCs are all shapechangers who must recover a sacred artifact. A character has made an enemy of a local spellcaster. The mood might be... whimsical
There is a rival theater who offers them aid. they are the distant relation of a character.
The characters start in a chase scene. Early on they encounter a summoning trap. If things get stuck they discover a magic item.
It finishes with a reward of the satisfaction of a job well done.

The PCs are novice halflings who must deliver an elven pet. One or more characters have cursed magic items. It might involve air.
There is a rival noble's estate who wants to do the same thing. they are the travel companion of a character.
The characters start on the road about to encounter someone. At some point they meet an old foe. If things are going nowhere they discover an unexpected place to rest.
It finishes with a reward of shares in a mine.

The PCs are shapechanging saviours of a city-state who must find a murderer at a masked ball. One or more characters has an inquisitive pet. It might involve elves.
There is a shapechanging graveyard who hates one of the characters.
The characters start in a dream sequence. Early on they spot foes who are unaware of them. If things get stuck a pet escapes.
Afterwards there is a reward of an audience with someone famous.