D&D Quick NPC

NPC based on 3 line npc method with a quick visible trait and name, a bit of personality and a hook or activity.

tools for - dnd5e npcs

type: ancestry:

Delg is an agile male dwarf wizard with oily hair. He has a phobia of snakes and seeks to establish a base in a part-buried golem factory
Sannl Brawnanvil is an elated female dwarf with an odour of something fishy. She believes dance is appropriate at any time and is related to a fanatical minstrel
Rose Cherrycheeks is a paranoid halfling with a bright red pair of boots. They are always warning about religion and are currently investigating a shallow ditch
"Murky" Jandar is an ugly wood elf holding a scarf. He believes in the ideal of friendship and seeks to win a race of boats
Seipora Jassan is a religious spy holding a musical instrument and a military posture. She is cursed by a spirit to a life of misery and has served with a scheming gambler
Covered in magical tattoos, Jozica is a persistent human outlander. She is always talking about making alcohol and is currently running
With a shield bearing a holy symbol and colorful facial tattoos, Boggar Honeypot is a superstitious halfling. He is feuding with a neighbour over something petty and is currently running
Maleanki is a joking male lightfoot halfling paladin holding a bullseye lantern. He is always making something and is currently making a hole
Sora is a bald entertainer with a variety of tools and a strong jaw. She is blessed with a perfect memory and is currently sketching
Voka Gharti is a focused human with a scarred strange fish. They have many friends and have knowledge about local legend