D&D 5E Trinket - Air

Keepsake, momento, curiousity, heirloom, or sentimental junk possessed by an adventurer or as a minor treasure.
the elemental of Air is the sky and winds, mists, clouds, feathers and long journeys.

environment: theme:

A lantern made from glass with a phrase "look to the sky" that gives the owner dreams of flying
A light leather journal covered with dandelions
A locket of hair that turns as the winds shift
A glittering glass vulture that smells of something flowery
A cloudy hunk of wood with a prayer to a power of storms
A lump of coal with the Auran runes for Sun, Moon and Stars. depicting clouds
A locket of hair blessed by a sky god
A weightless whistle made from citrine decorated in paper wings
A hypnotic candle
A scented silver signet ring in shape of a hawk