What to Spend Gold on

Ideas for things in the market or city for adventurers to spend their gold on.


2 x polearm infantry kit (ring mail, glaive)
5 oxen and a component pouch
A hand crossbow and art object (25 gp) - embroidered silk handkerchief
Gemstone (100 gp) - amethyst (transparent deep purple)
5 sets of fine clothes and an hourglass
A vial of alchemist's fire and gemstone (50 gp) - star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center)
A suit of scale mail, a component pouch and a climber's kit
Leather barding and a riding saddle, 5 pounds of silver and a forgery kit and 2 signet rings
A vial of alchemist's fire and gemstone (50 gp) - chrysoprase (translucent green)
10 silvered bolts