Fantasy Quick Encounter

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.

tools for - fantasy encounters

terrain: type: theme:

At a stone arch and a ladder leading to a treehouse. currently there is thunder and lightning. There is a few soldiers who are training pets. They have a scruffy pet stag
At a muddy hollow. there are beasts carrying disease
At a muddy spring. There is a hydra who are chasing something. Possible combat event is... a shapeshifter is attracted to the fight and looks for opportunities
At a hidden clearing. there is an earthquake which causes collapses of structures in the area
At a wide brook fed by a spring and a patch of tangled moss. an illusion disguises dangerous terrain
At a patch of thorny bracken. There is a lizard-horror who are hostile. In a fight maybe enemy reinforcements arrive
At a decorated mill. There is a wight who is on patrol
There is a friendly hyena who is guarding the local area. At a crumbling stone arch. there are fragments of glass
At a carved sapling by an abandoned cottage. a fissure opens up in the ground
At a fenced lodge. there is bright sunshine. There is a witch who are serving a local monster. If a fight breaks out possibly a cloud of dust or fog forms