Fantasy Rumours and Plot Hooks

Bits of information of dubious quality from taverns, travelers and other sources.

tools for - fantasy quest


Last autumn there were a series of murders in Yellow Valley
A military order is in a struggle with a secret society
There is a crazed tax collector that appears at random under the sea
There is a ruined bridge that is sacred to a tyranny deity
Hama has sold their soul to a temple to a power of fate
Several travelers say they have seen hooded figures at the strange academy in the last few days. A reliable source told me
Gynnie Elderberry wants someone to negotiate a delicate deal with an unscrupulous ghost
A cruel magistrate named Obez is giving gifts to an oracle and has unfinished business with a character
The phantom of an insecure explorer named Barendd Giantfeller haunts people at the city of Tharscroft and they guard something valuable
Cora Thornpocket has a shameful history. As if that could be true!