Notable Location - Sea

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy location sea


The Endless Crypt of Torment is a magnificent ravine. It is in a field. It has a portal to another part of the world. It has a magnificent view.
Ruins of Sandspur is an overgrown ruins. It is associated with death magic.
The Lodge of Moonbury is a reflective sea stack. It is associated with insects. It is associated with a mysterious priest. was the site of a great battle - a nation defeated fiends and there is a weathered statue marking it.
A beautiful island. It is cursed ground.
A decorated Ruins. It is at the edge of a lake. It is cursed ground. was the site of a notable battle - an empire lost to giants and a portal guards the spot.
A wooded island blessed by a powerful fey. Creatures from the sea come regularly to pay their respects
A warded shipwreck. It is at the top of a hill. It is associated with terns.
A ghostly ruins. It is in a meadow. It has a crossing to another realm.
A cursed sinkhole. It is in a meadow.
A beautiful pillar of stone. It is cursed by a fairy godmother.