Quick Fantasy NPC - Sea

A fantasy NPC with a name, quick physical trait, other characteristic and current activity
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy npcs sea

type: env: ancestry:

"Navy" is a haggard sea dockworker with faded tattoos on their arms and an ancient diadem. He adores making jokes and is currently investigating a wreck
Talay is a remorseful sea explorer covered in black tattoos. He is curious of others and is currently whispering to a rough child
With a barnacled squid and a glittering clasp, Ander Jamjar is a ruthless sea entertainer. They are outcast from family and are currently pacing up and down
Akambherylliax Perra is an intimidating sea with a fresh brand on their forehead. They believe an intimidating charlatan is an enemy and have an old rivalry a character
With a scaled dolphin, Kanithar Jassan is an enigmatic sea fisher. He is happiest when alone and is currently washing something
"Corsair" Crew Summerwater is a meek sea diver wearing torn attire. She is overly protective of their home and has a large collection of shields
Jandar Lao is a daring sea boatbuilder with a tricorn hat and a magical grey hat. They are always seeking news of an adventurer and are currently on a quest for revenge
With colourful tattoos and half-covered tattoos on their face and chest, Irishia is a rough female sea quartermaster. She loathes birds and seeks to find a dwarven Periapt of Resistance
Thoradin is a honest female wind druid with knee-high leather boots. She has an affinity with gulls and is currently diving
Tammith Falone is a distracted male sea water witch with faded tattoos on their neck. He is quiet around others and is currently talking about a boat