Magic Vehicle

Magical wagons, carts, watercraft, sleds and other vehicles

tools for - fantasy vehicles

A clockwork sled that has a hidden compartment. It can follow it's owner at a distance of 40 feet.
A mystical raft with many ropes. It speaks in a booming voice. It can fill up with ale once per day
A sentient sled with scorch marks. It can turn into a bridge. It can fill up with beer once per day
A sentient raft with many ropes. It can follow it's owner at a distance of 60 feet.
An old sled with bright stripes. It has a Rune of Speed which lets it move faster.
A leaky canoe with many ropes. It is telepathic. It can fill up with water once per day
A radiant litter with lots of obvious repairs. It has a Rune of the Ram which makes it good for smashing through things. It can follow it's owner at a distance of 30 feet
A white sled with red stripes. It is telepathic.
A rickety litter that has a hidden compartment. It gives advice on relationships.
A long raft with bright stripes. It can turn into a miniature version of itself.