Space Fantasy Ruins

Ruins for adventures in Space Fantasy settings, where genre meet in space galleons, elves with guns, arcane tech and other mish-mashes.

The Caverns of the Princess is a ghostly rotating device partly made of something living and chitin, it is home to magical fungi.
There is an undead-infested laboratory, it has a large device for controlling something and there are clues to a quest hidden here.
Well of Horsesmouth is a warded machine partly made of stone, it is haunted by clockwork horrors and it is home to a cursed monsters. is the birthplace of a strong-willed prince
There is a mechanical space station made of gold, it is guarded by machines and it has been turned into a tourist attraction.
The Great Tower of Helltooth is a beautiful machine partly made of crystal, it is in a tech distortion field and it is haunted by clockwork horrors.
Aerie of Mindartiswith is a phantasmal viewing platform partly made of slime, it has a gate to a pocket reality.
Labyrinth of Sunholt is a shapeshifting labyrinth partly made of iron, it has good views of a famed dying star and it is covered in glitter. A famous space battle was fought here
There is a crumbling spacecraft, it is guarded by clockwork creatures.
A shifting labyrinth of phantasms and psychic wards guard an alien vault. Fiendish constructs patrol the area, from an archway of fire.
A shifting labyrinth of phantasms and psychic wards guard an alien vault. Fiendish constructs patrol the area, from an archway of fire.