Space and Sci-fi One Shots

An outline for a futuristic one-shot adventure with the situation, what the characters are, the aim of the one-shot, events during it and an ending.

tools for - future oneshot

The Characters are telepathic android spies who must negotiate with a transforming spy. It might involve revenge and revenge.
There is a wanted biologist who turns out to be the villain. they share a passion with a character.
The characters start at a party that is disturbed. Partway through an ally turns out to be an enemy. If things get stuck a character learns something useful with lore skill check.
At the end there is a revolution.

The Characters are bionic marines who must evacuate a ruined world-ship. It might involve a superweapon and a crime syndicate.
There is a questing secretary who has important information for them.
The characters start chasing someone. Early on they encounter a large change in gravity. If things get stuck a spaceship arrives.
Afterwards there is a newsclip.

The Characters are wrathful scientists who must recover a mysterious teleporter. It might involve a scary alien and a galactic gameshow.
There is a young marketeer who offers them aid. they are the parent of a character.
The characters start during a heist. Partway through they encounter a gun platform. If things are going nowhere someone has a vision.
Afterwards there is one character narrating about all of the others. Possible sequel... an ally becomes the main foe or threat

The Characters are lucky exiles who must investigate a series of disappearances. One of the group is a quarrelsome undertaker. It might involve a desperate alien spawn.
There is an upbeat lobbyist who comes with them. they are the parent of a character.
The characters start in a fight. Early on they encounter a gun platform. If things get stuck an ally turns up with useful information.
It finishes with one of the characters dead or unconscious. Possible sequel... a time-travelling intelligence curious about the characters

The Characters are feared regulators who must find a buyer for a mysterious control-device. One of the group is an impulsive coder. It might involve a cute pet.
There is a desperate techpriest who works against them. they are the travel companion of a character. And a famous dealer who hates one of the characters.
The characters start at the scene of a murder. Early on they meet a robot. If things slow down someone has a vision.
It finishes with a reward of a more dangerous job with a great reward.