Space and Sci-fi One Shots

An outline for a futuristic one-shot adventure with the situation, what the characters are, the aim of the one-shot, events during it and an ending.

tools for - future oneshot

The Characters are bionic miners who must create a safe place for a crystal mega-laser. It might involve ascended beings.
There is a famous mentor who works with them as long as it is convenient.
The characters start in tense negotiations. Early on they encounter a gun platform. If things are going nowhere a rival turns up.
It finishes with a revolution. Possible sequel... a foe returns more dangerous than before

The Characters are time-traveling spies who must steal something from an arrogant ghost. It might involve a crime syndicate and psychic spirits.
There is a famous therapist who works against them. they are the former employer of a character.
The characters start in a chase scene. At some point there is a romantic complication. If things are going nowhere there is a beacon calling for help.
Afterwards there is a reward of galactic fame. Possible sequel... the characters are given a ship for an expedition

The Characters are famous newlyweds who must escape from a sentient research station. It might involve a galactic gameshow.
There is a drunk zombie who wants to do the same thing. they are the childhood friend of a character.
The characters start in a chase scene. Early on there is a chase scene. If things slow down they are contacted by a galactic intelligence.
At the end there is a romantic ending.

The Characters are feared operatives who must protect a sacred control-device. It might involve a horrifying politician.
There is a selfless bodyguard who betrays them partway through. they are the travel companion of a character.
The characters start in a chase scene. Partway through they encounter a new potential ally. If things get stuck they encounter a new potential ally.
Afterwards there is one of the characters dead or unconscious.

The Characters are troubled hackers who must steal a haunted control-device. It might involve a superstar and a superweapon.
There is a political explorer who sets them the mission.
The characters start at a party that is disturbed. Early on there is a chase scene. If things get stuck they meet a robot.
Afterwards there is a reward of a fancy new spacecraft.