Space and Sci-fi One Shots

An outline for a futuristic one-shot adventure with the situation, what the characters are, the aim of the one-shot, events during it and an ending.

tools for - future oneshot

The Characters are troubled pilots who must activate technology an alien world-ship. It might involve ascended beings.
There is a beseeching trader who hates one of the characters.
The characters start in a vehicle that just lost all power. At some point they encounter a new potential ally. If things get stuck they notice an obvious clue.
At the end there is the group all sharing a joke. Possible sequel... a crime syndicate's plans were ruined and try to take revenge on the characters

The Characters are bionic comedians who must recover a glass control-device. It might involve ascended beings.
There is a well-dressed surgeon who is infected by a hostile alien.
The characters start with an attempted theft. At some point there is a chase scene. If things get stuck someone has a vision.
At the end there is someone imprisoned.

The Characters are gifted artists who must activate technology a shielded homeworld. It might involve a crime syndicate or a superweapon.
There is a well-dressed gambler who wants to do the same thing. they are the childhood friend of a character.
The characters start in a fight. Partway through there is a significant change of environment. If things are going nowhere an ally turns up with useful information.
At the end there is a reward of a more dangerous job with a great reward. Possible sequel... the characters defend a ruined bio-ship

The Characters are deluded exiles who must discover the plans of a famous pilot. It might involve a ridiculous entity.
There is a glamorous drone who betrays them partway through. And a ruthless officer who sets them the mission.
The characters start in tense negotiations. Partway through there is a significant change of pace. If things slow down something escapes.
At the end there is a reward of the eternal thanks of a friend.

The Characters are undying celebrities who must recover a mysterious control-device. It might involve a love story.
There is a ruthless pariah who comes with them. they are the childhood friend of a character.
The characters start waking at a crashed spacecraft. Partway through they meet a lover of a character. If things get stuck foes are waiting for them.
Afterwards there is a reward of mind-altering cakes.