Spelljammer Trinkets - Air

Trinkets for the space fantasy of Spelljammer across Wildspace, the Astral Sea, Dead Gods and Asteroids
the elemental of Air is the sky and winds, mists, clouds, feathers and long journeys.


An entrancing leg made from linen that hovers slightly above any surface
A silk dress
A draconic glass bird marked with the saga of a winged archer
A hand fan made from pine wood with a phrase "go where the wind wills" that gives the carrier dreams of flying
A birdcage made from hollow bones and feathers
A preserved ssurran foot
An owl mask made of feathers
A model airship given to your family by a wandering deity
A goblet from an astral dominion of a sun deity
A silk glove holding an obsidian throne. While worn a ghostly mercane sits in it