WFRP Dwarf Beer

Dwarf beers, stouts, ales served from mountain holds, human lands and worldwide.

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Lungforger smells like caramel and is aged for 25 years
Frosthoard has a sweet taste followed by a cultivated aftertaste
Eastmace Stout has an earthy flavour and is sought after by Norse
Bronzemace Bitter doesn't travel well. This one has a ring at the bottom
Fistcrusher is used as rat-poison
Greatbarrel has a chalky flavour and is the cause of many fights. This one is very creamy
Beardcrusher Ale has an aggressive taste. This one has a reddish colour
The fabulous Greatfire Stout is favoured by followers of Verena. This one has a crisp odour
Oldcoin Porter is fatal to non-dwarves. This one sticks to the glass
Thunderpeak has an unfortunate tang and is favoured by labourers