WFRP Dwarf Beer

Dwarf beers, stouts, ales served from mountain holds, human lands and worldwide.

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Northgate Beer tastes like berries and is an acquired taste. This one is cold
Whitehoard Stout tastes like smelly feet. This one has a reddish colour
Bronzeblade has a malty aroma. This one sticks to the glass
Blackhelm is often drunk before battle. This one has something metal at the bottom
Katakina's Dry Bitter has a stale taste and is the cause of many fights
Kneeforger has a unique tang and is often drunk before battle. This one has a rune made in the foam
Eastbeard is favoured by soldiers
Greatfall Porter is used as rat-poison. This one has been watered-down
Skorskinella's Exploding Ale is best served hot. This one is very fizzy
The historic Foebleeder Porter is best served on fire. This one tastes like cats