Dungeon History

The events and story that have shaped your adventure location or dangerous dungeon.

tools for - fantasy dungeon

The Vale of the Barren Scorpion was originally a cursed isle and is now an elven tower. Decades ago a city was built over it and a while back much of it collapsed
This dungeon was created by demonic warriors. It is a giant's castle and it has a twin in another realm. It is known as the Forgotten Palace of the Vortex and recently a party of goblins called Sumnes's Gulf Saviours
Li Hua Buckman, an unscrupulous sailor with a dark dog companion. They have strong beliefs around change
Salazar Hornraven, a candid soldier with a few missing teeth. They have the ideal of might
Mitica, a shameless healer with a scarred fiendish cat. They are an outspoken advocate of unpopular views
Andrei Krent, an insecure mage with a distinctive nose. They are arrogant with others were very interested in it
The Lair of Mirrors was originally an arcane laboratory and is now an arcane crypt. Importantly much of it collapsed, there was a historic gathering here and a few weeks ago a festival is being held here by locals
The Hill of the Storm is an arcane laboratory. Importantly there was a great tournament here
The Well of the Forlorn Five was originally a fiendish library and is now a divine hotel. It was created by celestial sorcerers. The most important event was when a cursed net was crafted here by a friendly god. But a couple of months ago bandits took over. it attracts elementals