Adventuring Group Name

Names for a group of adventurers, heroes or mercenaries. Chosen by themselves or used by others. Mix of heroic, fantastical, whimsical and some uniques

tools for - fantasy adventurers

Guards of the Bloody Fangs
Cabal of the Howling Torches
The Poisonous Dance Adventurers
The Mercenaries
The Sharpshooters
Burnt Tavern Fools
Fo-hai and the Cloaks
Squeaky Spell Daggers
The Ashen Boars
Enterprise of Galnylldall
Troupe of the Devious Daughter
Should Know Better
Troupe of the Northern Oath
Light Coins
Knights of the Scrawny Squid
The Northern Cabal
Kalikke's Cursed Servants
Driftfleet Hustlers
Dead Gate Delvers
The Leaping Champions of the Treasure Map
Guard of the Unlucky Wanderer
The Grim Claw Alliance
Boram's Revenge
The Runed Adventurers
The Merry Bears