Fantasy Rumours and Plot Hooks

Bits of information of dubious quality from taverns, travelers and other sources.

tools for - fantasy quest


A society of monsters is in a struggle with a company of fey
There is a ruthless bat-monster at the town of Ashfast
There is a hidden entrance to the Dungeons of Skyhall in an undersea city
A few months ago an elemental group of raiders was sighted near the wreck of Wind Seeker
There is a big tournament later this year. It will be quite an experience
There is a mysterious ruin that is legendary locally
There is plague in a friendly city
The ghost of Furret the landlord haunts an area at the village of Badger's Ferry but they act as if they were alive. The merfolk won't talk about anything else
A shapeshifting wizard was blackmailed by raiders somewhere in the Sea of the Priest
The blue prophet was accidently killed by elders on Rana Island