5e D&D Character Idea - Minotaur

Idea for your next character, an NPC, members of an adventuring party or a backup character
They are associated with goring horns, honour, rage, battle and boats. From Ravnica and Theros, they can charge foes with their horns, are never unarmed and knock them backwards in melee.

tools for - dnd5e adventurers minotaur


Keranios is a male minotaur Ranger

Background - Soldier
Family - You were very close to a grandparent growing up. With their dying breath they asked you to bury part of them in a place of legend

Trait - My favorite thing is a relaxed drink with friends
Ideal - Redemption. We can all find redemption for the past in deeds of honor and glory
Bond - My family is the most important thing in my life, even when far away
Flaw - I won't back down in the face of danger

Trinket - A cracked centaur skull found at a shrine
Possible Pet - Mimic is a large flumph. They know and can cast one cantrip. you got them to replace another beloved companion that is no more

Drimboris is a minotaur Cleric

Background - Outlander
Family - You were raised by humans and knew only one other minotaur growing up. Two adopted siblings left home alongside you and seek fame and glory

Trait - I ask everyone I meet for a joke or a story
Ideal - Savagery. Bloody deeds are needed to keep the world in motion
Bond - I will become the greatest hero that ever lived
Flaw - I sometimes forget that battle is not the only option

Trinket - A notched nose-ring of bronze
Horns - The tip of one of your horns is broken off
Possible Pet - Sune is a snake. They won't forgive you for several days if you annoy them

Fotiyinos is a male minotaur Wizard

Background - Sailor
Family - Your mother is a military leader and your father is a skilled illusionist. You are their oldest child and both try to control your life

Trait - I have a love of boats and water I find hard to explain
Ideal - Zeal. Nothing is more important that the righteous path I tread for my belief
Bond - I would give my life for the people I served with
Flaw - I won't back down in the face of danger

Trinket - A piece of obsidian with the date of a famous battle
Horns - One of your horns is larger than the other
Possible Pet - Karma is a poisonous snake. They are covered in scars and can play or make a tune

Trovik is a male minotaur Barbarian

Background - Hermit
Family - You were very close to a grandparent growing up. With their dying breath they asked you to bury part of them in a place of legend

Trait - I like my jokes long and complex
Ideal - Zeal. Nothing is more important that the righteous path I tread for my belief
Bond - I am outcast from my kind and seek a way to redeem myself
Flaw - I don't believe I can ever get lost

Trinket - Several iron marbles in a leather pouch
Possible Pet - Volo is a young swan. They have exotic colored eyes

Dhazdoro is a female minotaur Cleric

Background - Folk Hero
Family - You were raised by bandits. Your adopted siblings hate you. You recently learnt that you have a long-lost sibling

Trait - I laugh at insults. The better the insult the more I laugh
Ideal - Live and Let Live. Ideals aren't worth killing over or going to war for
Bond - Where I grew up is my home, and I'll fight to defend it
Flaw - I am hunted by a rival family of bloodthirsty minotaurs

Trinket - An old knife made from flint and ivory
Horns - In combat your horns take on a reddish glow
Possible Pet - Honey is an awakened fungus. They love music and singing and you got them to replace another beloved companion that is no more