Notable Location - Forest

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
The woodlands are full of life, with greenery and beasts at every stride. It is home to wise hermits, tricksy fey, beast friends and primordial spirits best left alone.

tools for - fantasy location forest


Spire of the Many Minstrels. A splendid fey palace built into five towering trees. Mists full of music and song cover the lands around.
Builder Lair is a colorful wood. It is part of an ongoing struggle between powerful monsters. It is protected by a fey.
Ruins of Red Sound is a circle of statues. It is used as a temple by a power of night. It is blessed by a power of earth. is said in stories that the Vale of Demons is nearby..
Dragondale Moot. A cliffside hamlet inhabited by a diverse selection of creatures. They pay tribute to a local green dragon for protection.
Deepfinger Labyrinth is a glade. It is at a river crossing. It is associated with an open-minded dragon.
The DarkDale is a copse. It is in a meadow.
An verdant island in a sparkling river is home to an elven fountain. Stepping stones lead to the island from both banks.
A haunted Realm.
The Shell and Pincers. A ramp spirals up a giant tree to the inn held there. Beetles cover tree and ground, including giant fire beetles
A haunted Quarry. It has a reservoir of powerful arcane magic.