Fantasy Quick Encounter - Forest

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
The woodlands are full of life, with greenery and beasts at every stride. It is home to wise hermits, tricksy fey, beast friends and primordial spirits best left alone.

tools for - fantasy encounters forest

terrain: type: theme:

At a newly-buit remnant of another civilisation which is associated with a power of the sky. there are vermin carrying disease
At a narrow valley. there is a hidden cache with furs and pelts worth 100 gp. There is a mist dragon and a spectre who are investigating a tree hollow. They have a fat pet boar
At a lone tree with a wooden platform. there is writing here in a dead language. There is an aggressive lobster who is swimming in water
There is an unhappy human who is investigating an unusual tree. They have a colourful pet boar. At a tall statue propped up by a tree. there is a bright green tent
There is a tree-monster who are searching for herbs. In a fight they they avoid any obvious spellcaster. At an unusual gigantic tree
At The skull of a massive monster sits in a clearing which is knee deep in leaves. The half-built brewery stands beside a path leading away.. there is an earthquake which causes collapses of structures in the area
At a muddy pool. there is an unpleasant smell in the air. There is a pack of apes who are waiting in ambush. Possible combat event is... a greater threat is attracted by the fighting
At a fish-filled pond with many insects. There is a secretive gnome who is chopping down trees
There is a swarm who are investigating a tree hollow. In a fight maybe a cloud of dust or fog forms. At an old giant statue
At a few damaged saplings. There is a gathering of ogres who are exploring area