Sea Quick Encounter

Coastal or sea quick encounter.

tools for - fantasy sea

terrain: type: theme:

At a pretty hedge maze. there is a snowstorm
At a powerful spring. There is a gloomy goblin who is patrolling for threats
At a radiant hill. there is a dust or sand storm
At a covered hole. There is a pair of mercenaries who are studying a few overgrown shrubs
At a tall tree. There is a slight goldsmith and a selfish engineer who are exploring area
At a brightly-painted winding road and a patch of lush flowers. there is an intact raft. There is a pair of raiders who are rearming a trap. Possible combat event is... a horse runs in with an unconscious rider
There is a family of orcs who are resting. In a fight they they fight to the bitter end. At a reed-filled pool with something shiny
There is a few locals who are on high alert. They have a scaled pet horse. At a small island
At a slimy hole. there is bright sunshine. an eldritch mist descends around party
At a stream. The area is sacred to a power of rulership. There is a wraith and a zombie who are near their lair