D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Underdark

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The Underdark is a place of twisting tunnels, constant darkness and strange magic. Encounters might occur in a forest of fungi, amid giant stalactites or by the side of a gaping chasm. It is a place of elemental earth and gates to far realms. Home to fungi creatures, the dark elves and aberrations from the Far Realms.

tools for - dnd5e encounters underdark

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At an area of lichen and a decorated shrine to a power of darkness (spores cover the area)
They are are partway through a journey or migration
In a fight they attack anyone who looks like a source of food
Possibly... they have 2d6 holy symbols of various sea deities
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


1 Cave Bear (Monster Manual p.334)

At a forest of mottled edible bulbous mushroom (it is associated with a powerful myconid)
They are trapped in a hole
In a fight they run away as fast as they can if things go badly
Possibly... they have a Ring of Mind Shielding
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


A group of spiders

1 Giant Spider
3 Spiders
1 Giant Wolf Spider
1 Swarm of Spiders (Monster Manual p.338)

At a forest of massive mushrooms with grain-like spores (there is a stone seat)
They are trapped in a rockfall
In a fight they attack whoever is largest
Difficulty... 760 Deadly


2 Grimlocks led by one named Oldeye the Exile

At an area of tall grey-stalked mushrooms (nearby is a clear pool with many insects)
They are investigating an unusual type of fungi
In a fight they avoid larger foes
Possibly... during the fight a third group of combatants join in
Difficulty... 150.0 Easy

At a patch of mottled edible mushrooms surrounded by crystal (nearby is a freshly-made hole)
They are cursed
In a fight they used ranged attacks and maintain their distance if possible
Possibly... during the fight all magic items start glowing with a blue light
Difficulty... 500 Deadly