Fantasy Rumours and Plot Hooks - Dungeon

Bits of information of dubious quality from taverns, travelers and other sources.
Crypts, mines, vaults, monster lairs, labyrinths, catacombs and other subterranean complexes provide the settings of fantasy dungeons

tools for - fantasy quest dungeon


A sunken cave with large stalactites is haunted by spirits
There is a hidden entrance to the Illuminated Chambers of Oldrune at the town of Buckspire
A couple of years ago many people have arrived where the cog Shasevont's Rage was last seen
There is a hidden entrance to Blackwood Wood at a nearby metal bridge. But, who cares?
There is a secretive tree-monster in the slums of Rannethton
There is a pious water spirit in Maze of the Harpy
The ghost of a hedonistic commander named Len "Hairy" Murnyethara haunts people in an undersea city but they guard something valuable
A greedy mayor called Wilde has a short side quest for the characters
Caldo the Mystic has trained with a wild watch captain
There are dangerous phantoms that possess creatures at a nearby landmark. The nobles won't talk about anything else