Fantasy Travel Companion

A travel companion for fantasy journeys big and small!


For a short while your companion has been Smanzbim Turen, in a hurry to get to the same place as you. He is a wary gnome merchant with an odour of dead fish and he is hiding something.
Mina is a tall female human hunter with hairy ears, who is focused on getting to nowhere in particular. They have accompanied you for an hour. They are living their best life and travel with Warrior, a monkey
You are travelling with an independent human cadet and a sibling travelling to the the Hill of Pendall. Sethunya Ashjaw is secretly an agent for a rival.
Riva is a coy merfolk with a basket of food, who is focused on getting to wherever they want to go. They are very annoying
Shaumar is a sullen male human clerk with a distinctive dress, who is journeying to the city of Camgard. They are overly polite and travel with an aunt
For most of your journey your companion has been Hjulrak Battleale and a furtive companion, in a hurry to get to Vistra's Mountain. He is a rugged dwarf dressed in long silk gloves and he is overly polite.
You are travelling with a suave halfling seer and an ethical lover in a hurry to get to the village of Sharp Springs. Giffer Brightmoon is always asking questions about science.
You are travelling with an open-minded dwarf cooper and a family member travelling to Shell Swamp. Throf Brightbind is secretly a spy.
For 1 days your companion has been Sam and a distant friend, travelling to the town of Freysall. They are a treacherous captain with a fresh brand on their arms and they are very annoying.
Dravin Gharti is a scruffy human artist with an impressive shirt, who is travelling to nowhere in particular. They are secretly an agent for a rival