Fantasy Character Idea - Sea

System-neutral idea for a fantasy adventurer or other protagonist of an rpg
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy adventurers sea

env: ancestry: type:

Besh Chernin

a ruthless sorcerer with faded piercings on their forehead and with colourful tattoos. They believe in the ideal of destiny and have the ideal of greater good
Family - You were raised by your older sister. you have one older brother and four younger siblings. You had to contend with being heir to a legacy
Bond - I'm loyal to my captain first, everything else second
Trait - I am tolerant of other people, cultures and beliefs
Flaw- I am too often wrapped up in my own world

"Monk" Orfeo

a handsome sea bard covered in white tattoos. They have the ideal of fairness and want to befriend/tame an artifact-wielding ice angel
Family - You were raised by your older sibling. you have one older sister. You had to contend with an omen
Bond - I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated rival
Trait - To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city
Flaw- I spend money as fast as it comes to me
Ideal - Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards
Trinket - an astrolabe made from calcite and ceramic inscribed with the saga of a sea giant that asks for sacrifices to a deity of the stars
Pet - Fiend is an octopus. They are very overweight
Foretelling - When your beloved pet died, a holy midwife warned that when you achieved your greatest victory, you would lose a loved one

Timin Coraltrick

a ruthless bard with seaweed-like hair. They want to create a safe place for a gemstone gate and have a deep understanding of sailing
Family - You were raised by your older brother.
Bond - I'm loyal to my crew first, everything else second
Flaw- I have difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others
Ideal - Faith. If I do the right thing then my faith will be rewarded in kind
Trinket - a belt of seagull feathers
Pet - Osprey is a scarred sea horse. They are very lazy and they were a gift from a friend
Foretelling - During a storm, a dying hermit foretold that when an evil guildmaster knelt, you would never know courage again


a hardened sea outlaw with a smart dolphin pet. They are upbeat about everything and have a blessed Circlet of Brightness
Bond - My family is the most important thing in my life, even when far away
Trait - I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale
Flaw- I get uncomfortable sleeping more that one night in the same place
Foretelling - During a full moon, an undead seer predicted that when you achieved your greatest victory, you would find your death


a gallant mariner wearing beautiful jewelry. They want to find a buyer for a magnificent throne and have the ideal of ambition
Flaw- I rest at every opportunity, needed or not
Foretelling - When you were a young child, a talking hawk ordained that when a cursed adventurer fell, you would find a new love