Fantasy Quick Encounter - Sea

Encounters for fantasy games, filterable by terrain or theme. Provides a location and something to encounter there.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy encounters sea

terrain: type: theme:

There is a group of seabirds. They are watching a nearby watercraft. At an area of calm water
At a small island with a tomb. There is a boat. the Siren is a large galley. The commander is a giant buccaneer.. They are currently flying an unknown flag
At a pile of dead seaweed. There is a merfolk who is fishing
There is a ship. The Calvetia's Pride is a sturdy boat with lots of obvious repairs.. They are currently drifting. At a small island with edible garden
At An island with a lake of crystal and glass in the middle. On the full moon shows events from around the world to any who watch. There is a boat. Sea Demon is a sleek sailboat. It is followed by enchanted bounty hunters.. They are currently sinking
At an island of smooth sand. There is a priest of sailing who are waiting in ambush. In a fight they they attack whoever is causing them the most pain
There is a boat. Summer Dolphin of the East is a magical dhow. It is crewed by old soldiers.. They are currently in trouble. At a patch of tended kelp near a floating corpse of a sea monster. there is a sandbank
There is a good-looking wrecker and an angry pirate who are investigating a floating body. They have a misty vial of squid ink that gives you dreams of owning your own ship. At A giant rock with strange patterns and holes carved out of it. Home to a mad but lonely beholder
There is a sonic beacon acting as a distress call. At an area of choppy water. There is a pile of blue seaweed
A strong underwater current that might carry creatures away. At a small island with a shrine to a power of water. a mist covers the area