Fantasy Rumours and Plot Hooks - Sea

Bits of information of dubious quality from taverns, travelers and other sources.
Fantasy seas abound with sunken cities, sea monsters, misty islands, ghost ships, underwater civilisations, pirates and shipwrecks

tools for - fantasy quest sea


The Jolly Sorcerer Inn has regular fights. Sometimes people bring armour
Nearby ports are imposing heavy taxes on all cargos. The kobolds want something done about it
The temple of water is covering up a dark secret
The Accursed Palace is an enchanted island on the edge of Dark Firth. it has a source of illusion magic
The Moonsnake is a new carrack looking for crew
The First and Last is a blessed merchant ship lost with a cargo of jade
Spies from the Shadowed Halls of the Night have been sighted at night on the edge of Nighthorn Breach
A local faction wants someone to win a race of coracles. So they say
A confederation of trading cities is funding several new ships
A powerful noble is hiring mercenaries in Longfang Blue